It is evident that whatever changes Google and other search engines make in future, still the game will be about quality web site content. Logically today we observe the increase of attention to web site content and everything that helps to score better with content over Internet has gained amazing demand.
No one was talking about article marketing a year ago, and now this keyword is searched by thousands. Articles give you publicity, better scoring with search engines, higher ranking. Articles are the peak of content game at the moment and here are the most crucial tips to win with article marketing on your web sites:
(i) Use search engine (SE) - friendly technologies.
Sitemap (Google + Yahoo).
Always use sitemaps on your sites. Create Google sitemap file, Yahoo sitemap file, submit them to relevant search engines - and you are sitting safe with all new content on your site getting indexed in days (5 days maximum). When others wait for Google sandbox for 2 months, you get your new content indexed within a week.
RSS feeds.
When you run article directory on your site, copy the content to RSS feeds. Then submit RSS feeds to MyYahoo and MyMSN. This increases indexing a lot. Plus this is extra way to make search engines see your real work on site.
RSS newsblocks.
As this technology is a nice content optimizer for search engines, they keep indexing good info inside the database of RSS news and give high relevancy content on your pages, helping you out with duplicate content crossroads.
(ii) Use anchoring to score on your keywords.
Anchored text is another content optimizing technology for search engines. It means that search engines can easily learn a lot from the keywords inside the anchored text to the link.
In practise it means if you wrote a promo article and submit it to article directories, make sure they allow to use anchored links in resource box to that article. After good submission you will have hundreds of sites pointing/voting for your site. Imagine if all these sites have a text link that says 'My Keyword' and the linking goes your Search engines will index all these pages with anchored text and you will get up the list for this keyword. You will save hundreds on advertising budgets to one way linking.
(iii) Keywords in names.
Whatever type of content you have on the site, stick to your keywords in naming file names, text links, pages using your keywords.
Search engines will never stop in their fight for bigger scope for indexing. Who knows, maybe one of top search engines will announce shortly the deeper level of indexing. If you make sure to name the files on keyword-wise base, you will score, because filenaming has big potential in terms of content optimization technique for search engines.
(iv) Never stop growing relevant content.
When you got the bots of search engines dwelling on your site pages, make sure to update content on regular basis, quality content. Search engines loves gradual and quality growth - even 2 new articles per day are fine, if these articles fit and up to the point.
Combine the tips above with smart SEO and your competitors will stand in line to join you.