
Please agree to our privacy policy before accessing any products and services on  If you do not agree to this privacy policy, please stop using and other associated sites, products and services.


Your Email-We will not sell or trade your email with anyone. We will use your email to notify you of any activities on your account such as purchases, vouchers; password resets and so on, promotional offers, deals of your interests and other important notifications. Your email might be shared with merchant/or seller, whose deal you purchased to receive important notifications regarding shipping arrangements, reservations and appointments etc. We do not encourage spam activities of any sort.  If you feel that you are receiving too many emails from merchants/sellers/instructors, and you are unable to unsubscribe them, please notify us immediately at


Your Physical Address and Contact No. : We will not share your physical address and contact no. with anyone. oher than to make shipping arrangement, to make appointments and or to receive more information regarding purchases, redeeming vouchers, getting driving directions etc. 


Seller Information: All sellers name and Or business name, email, contact no., physical address may be made available publicly for potential customers to make purchase decisions and or to contact sellers directly for any questions or concerns regarding products and services.


Financial Information: We strive to secure your financial information. We do not share your financial information with anyone other than selected payment service providers, accountants and anyone associated with our company, who provides such service to process your payments and to provide you purchase/transaction details, refunds and order cancellations services.
