Recent topics tagged domains

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Making Money Selling Domain Names

Selling domain names can be quite profitable for webmasters. This is particularly the case if the webmaster sells a domain name that has an existing line of traffic. In these situations domain names can generate thousands of dollars for their webmasters. There have even been domain name names that allowed webmasters to collect ... get you a traffic boost without having to go through the actual process of traffic-building, (if you decide you don't want to do that).

posted by HuggingDuck
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Misspelled Domain Names

When it comes to search engine keywords, there are some that are potential gold mines that are being ignored. These are ones in which a word or phrase is accidentally misspelled. Usually, the search engine will link to results that contain the correct spelling, but it will still show any websites associated ... webmasters must take caution in which misspelled keywords they choose for their domain names along with whether or not they continue to use it in their content.

posted by Madept
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Internationalized Domain Names and Homograph Attacks

With normal spoofing a scammer tries to get personal information by sending fraudulent emails masquerading as an official website an individual might be working with. While some fall for the deception, many know better since the domain name in the email doesn't resemble the domain name they usually use to access whatever site. ... that looks that much like a domain name that is already in use. It's much easier for scammers to try and fool people through email hyperlinks.

posted by Camella
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All About Mobile Domain Names

When the Internet first came out it was restricted to a wired connection to a computer. Eventually technology improved, creating wireless Internet. At that point the Internet could be accessible through desktops, laptops and mobile devices without wiring. This means that the Internet was now portable. And as more ... of pay-per-clicks or affiliate programs, revenue generators which may not be promoted on .mobi websites due to viewing limitations with banner or text ads.

posted by Hawkward
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Cybersquatting and Your Domain Name

When it comes to domain names, don't think that you only need to worry about the ones that you registered. This is because with the phenomenon of cybersquatting, domain names that are similar to your company's trademark could be registered to unscrupulous webmasters, intending to use them in bad faith. What ... meantime they need to try to get as many domain names containing their trademark as possible, so cybersquatters won't have an opportunity to do their dirty work.

posted by Titank
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Transferring Domain Names

In the olden days of the Internet, domain name registration was handled by Network Solutions. However, after a while, the government decided that it wasn't fair for one company to have sole control over the domain name market. Therefore, it opened up the business to other companies. Since then hundreds of domain name companies ... a new domain name. It is not as good as an official domain name transfer, but it is still better than nothing if transferring is not an option.

posted by FlamboyantChomper
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Avoiding Trademark Infringement When Choosing a Domain Name

Many webmasters erroneously believe that just because their domain name registrar says a particular domain name is 'available' that it truly is. This is not necessarily so. Even if a domain name is physically available, it may not legally be open for use. Why? It's because there might already be a company that has ... . If there are problems, and a domain name arbitration proceeding does not rule in a webmaster's favor, they can turn to The Domain Name Rights Coalition.

posted by Titank
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Domain Name Tasting

A good domain name not only makes people more likely to visit a website, but it can also increase search engine rankings. This is because search engine bots index websites based on keywords found both in its content and domain name. Yet, how does a webmaster know if their domain name is going to be profitable? ... not have the other elements that make for proper traffic-building, they could potentially be throwing away a domain name that could be a gold mine in the future.

posted by FlamboyantChomper
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Domain Name Servers: The Basics

Technically, domain names aren't necessary to access a website. This is because with or without them, all websites can be accessed by their corresponding IP address. What is an IP address? It is a 32-bit numerical identifier that indicates what machine a website is on. The only problem is that for a human these numbers ... use instead. Yet, if they do get a domain name server, they would have the ability to sell web hosting as well as domain names to their customers.

posted by AfternoonFay
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Scam Domain Names

Do you think buying something as simple as a domain name means that industry is free from scams? If you do think again, since everyday hundreds of people get milked out of their money thinking they are going to get a perfect domain name. Granted, fraudulent domain name companies haven't received as much ... occurred, they will proceed with freezing the account of the domain name company. When this happens they cannot do further business until they clear up the discrepancy.

posted by PlushSeal
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Is the .Com Overrated?

When it comes to domain name extensions, most people are familiar with .com. Because of this the average webmaster is scrambling to get the perfect .com domain name. Some may even forego registering a potential goldmine of a domain name in favor of getting a less popular .com. Yet, there are dozens of other domain ... , while the other one can be used in printed media, where people are more likely to be concerned with the type of URL they are entering in their browser.

posted by PerfumedNecromancer
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Third Level Domain Name

A domain name consists of three levels. The first level is the word or phrase that makes up the initial domain name. The second part of the domain name is the extension. Examples of common extensions include .com, .net or .org. The third portion of the domain name, called a third level domain name is an ... their setup. However, if they are used it's best that they are hidden in hyperlinks, since most website visitors would prefer to type in first level domain names.

posted by CheeryGrin
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Get Traffic with Expired Domain Names

One of the greatest difficulties in being a new webmaster is trying to acquire traffic. This is because trying to build legitimate traffic requires both time and money. How is this so? Well, if a webmaster is trying to obtain traffic through search engines, they will need to spend a great deal of time with link- ... into a search engine. If a lot of links are returned, this is a sign that the traffic coming to the expired domain name originated from legitimate sources.

posted by TrainedGuy
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Bulk Domain Name Registration

Most Internet marketing gurus know the importance of using a domain name. However, only the experts use bulk domain names when marketing their website. How do things work if one is using bulk domain names? Basically, with the bulk domain name tactic, dozens maybe even hundreds of domain names point ... being keyword-optimized and containing several inbound links. Without doing these things, bulk domain name registration in and of itself will only bring limited results.

posted by MammothMoth
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Choosing the Right Domain Name

Domain names are to websites as book covers are to novels. If they are not interesting enough, or don't properly convey what a website is about, visitor will have no desire to enter them in their browsers. Yet, excessive creativity doesn't make for a good domain name either. Why is this so? It's because if a domain ... with fillers can help you the other 10%. And, if after an immense amount of pondering, you still can't get the .com, you can opt for other extensions.

posted by BunBunny
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Cheap Domain Names

In order for people to access a website, they must first enter in its associated domain name. This is a word or phrase that denotes the name of the site and/or summarizes what it is about. Even free web hosting companies offer domain names, but there's an essential difference. With free web hosting companies ... discounted domain name. They work just like regularly priced domain names, so if a person has one available to them they definitely need to take advantage of it.

posted by Oystrich
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Domain Names 101

Without a domain name, websites are specified by an IP address. What is an IP address? It is an identifier that is used by computers or humans to determine the location of a server or website. However, for humans, an IP address, (which is expressed in a numerical format), can be difficult to remember. This is ... or 2) get one from a separate domain name company. Price-wise things will vary with both options, though typically the cost will range from $6.50 to $35.

posted by Conjursa
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Domain Name Generators

The process of registering a domain name can be quite annoying. Why? It's because many times the domain name a webmaster hopes to register has already been taken. So, they have to ponder again what their domain name should be. But what do they do if that domain name has been taken as well? The best ... domain name. So, at the very least, domain name generators can serve as a tool for domain name brainstorming. They definitely should not be overlooked by any webmaster.

posted by KeyboardPie
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Domain Name Hacks

Traditional domain names consist of a word or phrase that describes a website followed by an extension. Extensions can be .com, .net or country-based such as .fr or .jp. So, if this is the case, how can domain names like or exist? It's because a domain name doesn' ... keyword analyzers for free, though webmasters might find more use from paid keyword analyzers. This is because paid keyword analyzers offer more information about a keyword than free ones.

posted by BouncyOracle
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Domain Name Arbitration

After several minutes of pondering and looking at keyword analyzers, you find the perfect domain name for your new website. You see if it is available through your desired domain name company. When you find that it is, you get excited because it seems that it is going to be quite profitable for your site. So, you ... Yet, for most webmasters, the decisions made by the UDRP panel are good enough for them, since getting their consul is a lot cheaper than going to a judge.

posted by HarmlessRose
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Hyphenated Domain Names

You think of a perfect domain name. It contains a keyword that is found in search engines, has no trademark issues and is memorable for website visitors. You try to register your domain name with a domain name company. It appears to be taken. So, you put a hyphen in it. That version of your ... name gets turned down. Webmasters don't have to settle for these type though, since there are more sophisticated domain name generators that can offer even more suggestions.

posted by AwfulSoul
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Domain Name Redirect Services

It's no secret that a short, memorable domain name is what is needed to help visitors to a website. It also helps if the domain name contains keywords that are likely to rank high in search engines. So, what does a webmaster do if they are promoting an affiliate program or a website created from ... normal-looking domain name available through a domain name redirect service. This is if they aren't marketing through hyperlinks, which do not require an official domain name.

posted by GardenParrot
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