Recent topics tagged security

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Internet Protection in 3 Easy Steps

Let me tell you something. I don't know everything there is to know about the Internet. . However, I do know how to protect my computer. It's really not that hard. If you follow some basic rules, you will know how to protect your computer also. Every day there are new viruses and new things ... different types of filter software for sale. Filter software can be especially handy if you have children around and want to keep them from seeing different types of web sites.

posted by OpinionOwl
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Sending Passwords By Email

It amazes me how many sites allow you to register, and then send you an e-mail to your registered address containing your password in plain-text. There is never a warning stating that the site will email the password you use, for all to see. Sending passwords by e-mail works when you forget a password. ... wants to read it. Sites should seriously consider the security implications of sending passwords by e-mail, especially if there is no prior warning that this will happen!

posted by TrustyKitty
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