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For any business to succeed, it is important to understand the Return on Investment the owner is getting. It is basically the profit or turnover being made by them at the end of the day vis a vie the amount invested in the same. This rule applies to every aspect of our life. When we go to college to study, we look for high marks which will assure us a good job. While talking about web portals, they too keep close watch on what their ROI is when investing and creating the website. This is because, every investment needs to yield results for it to be effective, else the approach needs to be altered.

Search engine marketing must take into account the two operational methods – using Search engine optimization (SEO) or pay per click management system. Optimization will work better in the long run, whereas pay per click is mainly to draw specific bracket of traffic onto the site and this works only for a short time. All efforts taken by way of investment and links will go to waste if there is not much of traffic to your portal.

Pay per click works by having the user post as many ads on their page, or posting links on other pages. If a person surfing the net comes across these ads, and clicks on them, the owner will get revenue based on the terms mentioned by the pay per click service provider. The ads placed need to be such that they draw attention to your page and keep the user captivated. It is not that you are spending about $5 on the clicks and the person who comes over to your page and leaves, with no return. Sometimes even by running AdSense on your page, you might find the search engine throws up your page on the results page only if the ad is on the related page and nowhere else.

On the other hand Search engine marketing by using Search engine optimization will yield higher ROI with its effectiveness. While using SEO rich words, make sure to consider the entire content of your site and focus on internet marketing. This will work out better since you know what a person is likely to look for, that will draw them to your site.

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