topics by Camella

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The Importance of Search Engines for Affiliates!

Search engines play a very important and central role in the field of affiliate marketing. These are considered to be your ultimate weapons. Search engines are responsible for the introduction of your website to hundreds and thousands of people. Most of the traffic that is hitting your website mainly comes from the ... and more sales in affiliate marketing then you should use different methods to increase your page rank in major search engines like GOOGLE, MSN and YAHOO.

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Why Just The Right PPC Campaign Management Brings in Lots and Lots of Cash

So you spent all your time and energy building the perfect website. Now you want to share the fruits of your labor, and maybe even make some money on the side through your online ads. Maybe you have an online business that markets a hot product that you are selling on your website; but you find that you are having ... on the act. Now, with the right set of keywords, and a smart PPC campaign management plan, more than ever, online businesses are bringing in the big bucks.

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Internationalized Domain Names and Homograph Attacks

With normal spoofing a scammer tries to get personal information by sending fraudulent emails masquerading as an official website an individual might be working with. While some fall for the deception, many know better since the domain name in the email doesn't resemble the domain name they usually use to access whatever site. ... that looks that much like a domain name that is already in use. It's much easier for scammers to try and fool people through email hyperlinks.

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