topics by VirtualAssassin

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10 Critical Press Release Writing Tips

1. Start strong: Your title and initial lines should briefly and directly convey what you want to say. Include the who, what, where, when and why in the lead of your press release. The remaining part of your press release should include supporting facts and examples. 2. Make it easy for the media: Some ... new website, announcing new hires, sponsoring a special event or seminar and more. His articles can be found at

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Things you should know about Web Hosting

Some people or a lot of people knows what Web Hosting means, for those people that don't know what Web Hosting means I'm going to help you to understand more about Web Hosting. First Web Hosting is a service that some companies provide to users or people that want to have a web site online. If you are planning to ... sure that you read and review all the information from the web hosting company since normally if you want to save money you need to pay a whole year in advance.

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RSS and Blogging

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a tool useful for saving or retaining updated information on websites that you frequently visit or websites that are your favorite. RSS utilizes an XML code which scans continuously the content or subject matter of a certain website in search for new informations then transmits the ... simple create by hand. And atom is an IETF Standard, does it brings constancy, stability and a natural and accepted community to support its usage.

  • Submit useful informaton for website owners. 

  • You can add text, description, images and website links. 



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