Recent activity by TwinNut

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10 Common misconceptions about marketing on the Internet

1. You will get rich quick. Marketing on the internet takes a lot of work. This is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes much time learning and failing before you will succeed. Your success is entirely up to you. You will reap what you sow. 2. You won't make any money. Again you will reap what you sow. your ... the articles in them. Listen to those who are already successful. They are already telling you what to do and how to do it. Now you just need to listen and learn.

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What Is cPanel?

So your searching for web hosting and have seen the term cPanel what is it and what does it do? Simply put cPanel is a graphical user interface for use on Unix/Linux Servers. The development company cPanel Inc. also claims to be working on a version for Windows based servers. Short for control panel and ... the various management functions of cPanel. So now when you come across hosting companies that offer cPanel you have a pretty good idea of what they are describing.

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All you need to know about RSS

What does RSS mean? RSS may mean three different things. The original RSS (RDF Site Summary RSS 0.9) was developed by Dan Libby for Netscape. After a couple of months, they produced a simpler and easier-to-use version called Rich Site Summary or RSS 0.91. But they later lost interest, leaving it ... /harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince Now, if you're still having a hard time understanding these tags, look for HTML tags tutorial to further grasp the concept. Have fun!

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