topics by GiftedWrecker

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10 Resourceful Things You Can Do With A Product That Doesn't Sell

1. Sell the reprint/reproduction rights to the product. You could make money selling other people the rights to reproduce and sell the product. People are always looking for new products to sell. 2. Giveaway the product for free from your web site. Just because it won't sell doesn't mean people won't visit ... your product with their product. You could then sell them together as a package deal and split the profits. You may have better results selling your product this way.

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What Is Spam?

You have probably seen an increase in the amount of junk mail which shows up in your email box, or on your favorite newsgroup. The activities of a small number of people are becoming a bigger problem for the Internet. Chain letters that ask for money, whether for reports or just straight up, are illegal in the US ... subscribe to as many mailing lists as possible, so that they can grab the lists of addresses, or use the mailing list as a direct target for their attacks.

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Site Making Using Google

Businesses that want to sell something in the market need 2 things. The first is the product to be sold which has to be made then distributed to places like the grocery, the mall or the supermarket. The second is marketing which is the vehicle to carry that message across to the consumer so that people are aware of its ... .zip or .exe files. 7. Also, one has the option of adding the sites FTP information since Google can automatically upload the site map for the person.

  • Submit useful informaton for website owners. 

  • You can add text, description, images and website links. 



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